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Fruit Gaudi

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What is Fruit Gaudi

We prepare and use fruit gaudi for enriching soil health and improving the population of microbes and beneficial fungi using fruit gaudi in irrigation.

  • 10-50 kg cattle dung
  • 5-20 kg waste fruit
  • convenient quantity of all kinds of leaves that decay fast
  • intestines wastes from 1 cow or 2-4 goats
  • 5-10 liters panchakavya
  • 5-10 liters any of the buttermilk solutions
  • 5-10 liters concentrated amudham solution,
  • 5-10 liters TTCU
  • 05-10 liters TTFPE
  • 50-100 liters archaebacterial solution
  • Apart from these we use Bio-Fertilisers – Azospirillium, Phospobactreria and Potash Bacteria each 200 gms
  • To control fungal diseases – Pseudomonas, Trichoderma viridi, Trichoderma harzianum, Basilus subtillus – 200 gms each
  • To control nematodes – Paecilomyces 200 gmsu00a0
  • To control root grub – Beauveria brangniarti, Metarhizium – 200 gms each.
  • Mix the items from (a) to (j) in 200-500 liters water in a tank.
  • Allow it to ferment for a week.
  • Add the beneficial microorganism listed from (k) to (n) as required allow it to ferment for a day.
  • For annual crops like banana, sugarcane, turmeric 30 days after planting use monthly once for 6 months.
  • In the case of horticultural crops use every year from March to August for 6 months.
  • In the case of vegetable crops 30 days after sowing/planting at 15 days interval use for 4 to 6 times according to the age of variety.
  • This promotes growth and controls pests.
  • It may also be used in composting at the rate of 1 liter per 100 liters water to increase the rate of breakdown of crop residues.
  • ET may be used in irrigation at the rate of 3-6 liters per acre.
  • But to simplify this activity we have developed two models one for small farmers and the other for big farmers.

For small farmers:

  • 100 liter capacity barrel 1 no and 50 or 60 liter barrels 10 numbers are needed.
  • In the 100 liter barrel prepare fruit gaudi as explained above.
  • In the other barrels put the following items tied in nylon mesh bags and fill the drum.
  • (1) Waste fruit 1 bag
  • (2) fully digested compost (or) vermin compost 5 bags,
  • (3) sheep or goat digested dung or dried cow dung 5 bags.
  • Take 2 kg each of above items fill these in the nylon mesh bags.
  • Now take the earlier mentioned bio-items 10 numbers – 200 gms each and put each item separately in each 10 bags tie those loosely and place inside the barrel and fill the drum with water.
  • Use extended effective microorganisms liquid 100 ml in each drum and allow for fermentation for 7 days.
  • Then take 10 liters of the filtered fermented liquid from each barrel and fill this in 200 liter barrel and also fill 100 liters of filtered fruit gaudi into the barrel.
  • Use this in flood irrigated system or in drip system through ventury.

Like this a farmer can use this for any crop weekly once (or) 15 days once according to the need of the growth of the crop.

  • The above preparation can be used for 3 or 4 times in irrigation.
  • By planning like this the bio-items prepared in the 50 liter barrels will come for one month.
  • In the case of fruit gaudi every time the ingredients a,b,and c will be reused and the other items d to j will be again filled in the barrel for fresh fermentation.
  • This has to be done weekly once or 15 days once according to the usage by the farmer.
  • If the farmers buy the bio-items each and every time they will incur additional costs.
  • But here they are reused for 4 times thereby reducing the costs.
  • The compost, or vermin compost, or sheep or goats dung and waste fruit is the food for the microbes in the bio items.
  • So it is regularly developed in the drums.
  • When it is used in irrigation every time, all kinds of beneficial microorganisms are inoculated in the soil.
  • Thereby providing ideal condition for the beneficial organisms in the soil to have dominant role and this condition suppresses the non-beneficial organisms in the soil.

In the case of big farmers:

  • We suggest constructing two tanks near the drip – ventury system.
  • Build one tank above the ground level and the other below ground level near the ventury system arrangement.
  • The tank which is above the ground level we call as the filtering tank and the tank below ground level we call as ventury tank.
  • The internal measurement of the filtering tank is 3 feet height, 3 feet broad and the length is extended according to the extent of the farm.
  • (This length ranges from 5 to 25 feet).
  • The internal measurement of the filtering tank is fixed irrespective of the extent of the farm.
  • The internal measurement below ground level is 3 feet height, 3 feet breadth and 4 feet length (1000 liter) capacity.

While constructing the tank use rich mix of cement mixture and use aqua proof liquid also.

  • Two pipes with gate valves underneath the filtering tank should be given, to drain the fermented solution to the ventury tank.
  • After construction is over fill the two tanks with water and curing should be done for 21 days.
  • This is very important for the hardening process of the cement mixture.

Then in the filtering tank at the bottom for 3 feet height spread 1.5 inch size boulder jelly.

  • Then spread one nylon mesh sheet over this layer.
  • Further for 6 to 9 inch height spread sand inside and spread one nylon mesh over this sand bed.
  • Thereafter fill the filter tank full with water.
  • Now put all kinds of green leaf bundles for 1.5 feet height in the tank.
  • Over this in a number of nylon bags use
  • (1) waste fruit,
  • (2) fresh cows dung,
  • (3) digested sheep or goats dung,
  • (4) fully digested compost or vermin compost all items 10 kg each in every bag.
  • Bio items and the growth promoter solutions given in fruit gaudi preparation can be used according to the extent of the farm.

The fermented solution is drained to the ventury tank and is used for drip irrigation through ventury arrangement.

  • Once in two months the above items in bags 2, 3 and 4 should be removed and replaced with fresh items along with the bio-items.
  • So in this process weekly once after draining the filtered solution to the ventury tank refill with water and on farm preparations along with extended effective micro organisms.
  • Say for example for a filtering tank 3*3*5 dimension one can use 5 bags, 10 kg each of 1.waste fruits, 2.Fresh cow dung, 3 Digested sheep or goat dung, 4.Fully digested compost or vermin compost.
  • This is to be decided by the farmer on hi s own.

Now throughout India the underground water has been drawn up to 1000 feet and used up for irrigation.

  • In all such cases the pH of water should be more that the normal level.
  • By using the above method there are many advantages like
  • (i) the pH of water gets reduced,
  • (ii) all kinds of nutrients are developed,
  • (iii) all kinds of beneficial organisms are developed with minimum expenditure and
  • (iv) this prevents salt blockage in the drip irrigation pipes.
  • Another interesting thing is the farmers who adopt Bio-Dynamic farming can do miracles by using this system.

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